Benefits Of Hypnotherapy

Hypnotherapy is a powerful relaxation technique that utilizes guided imagery and breathwork to induce a deeply relaxed state of mind, often referred to as the theta state. In this brainwave state, individuals are more open to accepting positive suggestions, so they can heal and move forward with a new mindset and greater sense of freedom. 

Behavior Modification

Hypnotherapy can aid in changing or modifying certain behaviors, such as smoking cessation, weight management, or overcoming phobias and habits.

Stress Reduction

It helps in relaxation and stress reduction, leading to a calmer state of mind and better coping mechanisms.

Pain Management

It can be effective in managing chronic pain, reducing discomfort, and enhancing pain tolerance through suggestion and visualization techniques.

Enhancing Performance

Athletes, performers, and individuals seeking personal or professional improvement may use hypnotherapy to boost confidence, focus, and performance in their respective fields.

Sessions Include

  • Discuss your goals and any limitations that might be in the way of achieving those goals.
  • Create positive statements that are in alignment with your desired outcome.
  • Experience a relaxed, meditative state, where you are aware of all that is happening, while feeling relaxed and receptive to what I am saying.
  • In this relaxed state, the subconscious mind becomes more receptive to suggestions.
  • While you relax, I tell your mind what it wants to hear, by repeating your positive statements along with guided imagery and affirmations.
Schedule A Session with Jackie

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